Our connective tissue is a fundamental component of the body, which surrounds, supports, supplies and connects organs, vessels and nerves. It is part of the supporting tissue of the human body and is an important switching point for the supply of nutrients and the removal of harmful substances. Connective tissue is also a filling material and an ideal water and fat store. In adults, the reticular collagenous tissue makes up around 60 percent of the total body mass and is thus its largest cohesive component. The cells of the connective tissue are called fibroblasts. They produce collagen, which is needed for the support and binding function of the fibers as well as beautiful, firm skin.


Our skin consists of 80 percent collagen, a structural protein that is responsible for skin density, skin moisture and elasticity. However, from the age of 25, the body’s own collagen production slows down and the collagen framework in the middle layer of the skin collapses. The first wrinkles and decreasing skin elasticity as well as a significant loss of moisture in the skin are the visible consequences. At the same time, larger fat cell packages form in the lower skin layers.

As the connective tissue weakens with age, these fat deposits can then no longer be held back. They bulge outward and the typical cellulite dimples appear. Women are affected by weak connective tissue much more often than men due to their hormonal balance and the condition of their skin. However, the connective tissue can be positively influenced with various measures.


To strengthen the connective tissue, one should first maintain a normal weight, pay attention to a low-fat, balanced, vitamin-rich diet and drink enough. This is because connective tissue stores water and appears firmer when it contains enough fluid. In addition, metabolic end products in the connective tissue can then be flushed out more easily. Regular exercise also helps to tighten the affected areas of the body in a targeted manner. Warm-cold alternating showers and massages also stimulate blood circulation and the connective tissue. Appropriate skin care rounds off the package of measures. In particular, collagen-containing care products noticeably support the skin structure.


For external care, the skin should be regularly creamed and massaged to reduce the depth of wrinkles and tighten the connective tissue. An innovative approach from the inside is to drink skin-relevant nutrients, first and foremost vitamin C. The vitamin C contained in ELASTEN® (drinking ampoules, pharmacy, 1x daily) activates the collagen-forming cells (fibroblasts) to produce or store more of the body’s own collagen and thus support skin function.

As a result, the skin can better store moisture in the upper layers of the skin again and becomes smoother and more elastic. After six months of use, the dimples typical of cellulite also decrease significantly, as studies show*. Advantage over external applications: The nutrient-rich drinking collagen reaches the deeper layers of the skin where creams cannot work.

**Schunck et al., 2015, J Med Food


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